Top 5 Unusual Hobbies for Real Men

Michael Moore
4 min readJun 19, 2020


Men enjoy doing lots of things, develop their skills, and learn new ones, but most men know that their free time is pretty limited, and unfortunately, after a long and busy week, this free time is enough only for laying on the couch and watching TV. This is understandable, but in fact, there are several hobbies that may turn out more exciting and attractive than a new movie.

Of course there are more decent hobbies out there than only five. However, we looked for the following characteristics:

  • whether it is practically applicable in real life
  • whether it is easy to learn
  • whether there is a community to make friends with

Metal Detecting

Metal detecting, or treasure hunting, is one of the most popular hobbies today, and for a fairly good reason. It is comparatively easy to learn (especially with guides and reviews like by Detect History), there is an interested like-minded community behind it, and in fact, metal detecting can be pretty practical.

Firstly, one can find some valuable relics that can be sold for impressive money, or even simply spot some lost golden jewelry on the beach and also make some money. Secondly, using a metal detector for domestic purposes can also be useful.

Survival Skills

Learning survival skills, sometimes also called backpacking, is exciting for most men, because it means they can go out into the wilderness, all alone, with a backpack, and survive, feeling like their ancestors. This is a very stimulating condition, especially when one grows tired of civilization and constant demands of those big cities.

Survival skills are extremely practical, for obvious reasons, and can turn out useful even in city apartment. They are not hard to master, and there is a cool community of people sharing the interest.

Martial Arts

Martial arts are harder to master than, say, metal detecting, but the activity it totally worth it. Being very practical in case one needs to protect self and others, martial arts also serve as perfect full-body workout, plus they usually offer certain philosophy behind the purely physical skill, helping people to develop as personalities.

Martial arts suggest there is a supporting and motivating community out there, to make friends, and to learn from.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is something that includes both solitude and teamwork. Maybe it may seem less practically applicable, but sometimes this skill will turn out pretty useful. It is not that hard to learn, plus, rock climbing is a very physiological type of full-body workout, and shapes a good physique.

Learning rock climbing means learning from a team, and more often than not, it is possible to find friends in the community of climbers. it is always better to travel together to help each other with equipment, and also for the sake of safety.


Woodworking is a calm yet manly hobby that requires physical strength, skill, and accuracy. It is not easy to learn in case one wants to really master this activity and make some exquisite things, or even art pieces. Yet, it can turn out rather practically applicable, especially if living in the village house. The only disadvantage is perhaps lack of very enthusiastic community, since most woodworkers prefer to pursue this hobby in solitude. On the other hand, one can join the club and work together in one workshop.


Men should really pay more attention to spending their free time on something that interests them and makes them satisfied. Going to the bar and TV watching are probably relaxing, but these are definitely not the things you’d love to recall when you’re older.



Michael Moore

Hi there! I am a metal detecting blogger. Metal detecting with Garrett AT Pro since 2013. Founder of the Detect History —